Tagged: Zurich

Hagenbuch Stained Glass Detail 1

Hagenbuch Coat of Arms Revisited

In early June, Andrew received a message from Jacob Robison who asked some questions about our family’s DNA tests and also about the Hagenbuch coat of arms. He was curious if we had any...

People at Party 4

2020: What Will Be Remembered?

As genealogists we always have the word “legacy” in the back of our minds. What will the legacy of our family be? What has it been in the past? What will be remembered about...

Hagenbuch Switzerland Aerial View 10

Town of Hagenbuch, Switzerland

Before Andreas Hagenbuch and his family immigrated to America in 1737, they lived in either Grossgartach or Lomersheim in what is now southern Germany. While Andreas was a native German, his ancestors were not....


Story of the Buchbaum

My father, Dr. Mark O. Hagenbuch, worked in elementary education for nearly 35 years. Near the end of his career, he served as the first principal at South Mountain Elementary School, which had opened...