Tagged: The Beech Grove

Fastnachts Store Bought 0

Shrove Tuesday, Fastnacht Day

Although this day was celebrated last week, the following article will give some insight into this very Pennsylvania Deitsch tradition. This article appeared in the March, 1984 Beech Grove newsletter. Literally translated from the German,...

John & Emma "Hagenbuch" Reichard Farm 1895 Detail 1

Old Time Christmas in a Country Home

This story was shared in the December, 1983 issue of the “Beech Grove.” It first appeared in the “Lancaster County Guardian” in January, 1871 and was included with other folk culture stories by Alfred...

Hagenbuch Reunion Newspaper Clipping 1938 1

50th Hagenbuch Reunion: June 23, 1991

One of the many untapped resources for family research are the news clippings and other information about the Hagenbuch family reunions held in central Pennsylvania. Beginning in 1938, these reunions were attended primarily by...

Hex Signs Barn Detail 2

On Beech Trees and Dutchiness

For the past year and a half, since Andrew had the idea that our Hagenbuch genealogy should be shared on the Internet through weekly articles, a new awakening has occurred for me. I’ve shared...

Hagenbuch Cabin Window Christmas 0

Christmas for the Hagenbuchs in Berks County

We all have fond memories of Christmases long ago. The snow seemed deeper, the stoves in our homes warmer, and the excitement of that special time seemed more intense. How did our early ancestors...