Tagged: Switzerland

Hagenbuch Stained Glass Detail 1

Hagenbuch Coat of Arms Revisited

In early June, Andrew received a message from Jacob Robison who asked some questions about our family’s DNA tests and also about the Hagenbuch coat of arms. He was curious if we had any...

Hagenbuch Family Transatlantic Migrations Detail 2

Family On The Move: 1500–1800

Like many American families, our Hagenbuch family story is one of movement. It began in Switzerland sometime before the 1500s, migrated to what is now Germany in the 1600s, and finally came to America...

Plague Mask Detail 5

Plagues, Wars, and Despair

Although we know more than ever about Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1715) and his family in Berks County, his early life in Germany, before he came to America in 1737, is shrouded in mystery. Information...

People at Party 4

2020: What Will Be Remembered?

As genealogists we always have the word “legacy” in the back of our minds. What will the legacy of our family be? What has it been in the past? What will be remembered about...

Hagenbuch Crest Patch Detail 0

Recent Ruminations

When Andrew and I started this site more than four years ago, I wondered if we would have enough information to write an article each week. Little did I realize that as more and...

Hagenbuch Homestead Pre-1800 Exterior Detail 0

A Visit to the Hagenbuch Homestead

Several weeks ago, I visited the Hagenbuch homestead in Berks County, Pennsylvania along with my father, mother, and wife. The purpose of our visit was to explore the buildings at the homestead, as well...

Joseph Hagenbuch, 1811 detail 0

Letters From the Past: Part 2

In September of 2017, I wrote an article about the hundreds of letters I found that had been received when I first began working seriously on genealogy in 1978. As mentioned before, these letters...