Tagged: Samuel Sechler

Benjamin Franklin deathbed in 1790 4

Giving Care to Our Ill Relatives

As you know, I am now on hospice care due to the advancement of prostate cancer. I was still hoping to buy more time; but two weeks ago, after my wife Linda, my oncologist,...

Thomas Sechler Portrait Detail 2

Hagenbuchs and Sechlers Entwined

Back in about 1978, I first walked through the graveyard at New Bethel Union Church near the Hagenbuch homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. I had been looking for the farm where Andreas...

Hagenbuch Library Shelves Detail 0

What Did They Read?

Books, magazines, newspapers, fiction, nonfiction, autobiographies, biographies, historical fiction, pure history, romance, poetry—the list could go on and on of what people read. What we read is a reflection of our pleasures, our beliefs,...

Andrew Snyder Family Bible Detail 1

The Family Bible: Part 1

Family Bibles are interesting pieces of memorabilia. They often have other pieces of memorabilia stuck between their pages, such as dried plants, braided hair, noted verses, and funeral cards. My mother’s Bible always lay...

Hagenbuch Family August 2016 0

Two Years On

It’s been two years since my father, Mark Hagenbuch, and I founded Hagenbuch.org. Since then, the site has amassed a collection of over 100 articles containing family stories, genealogy, and culture. Around this time...

Wedding Dress 1851 Lace Button 0

Four Weddings, One Dress

Several articles have been written about the importance of passing on things to future generations: photos and letters, names and stories, or toys and clocks. Nevertheless, although a wedding dress may be passed on...