Tagged: Roy A. Gutshall Jr.

Mark Hagenbuch butchers 2001 detail 7

Hog Butchering with Family and Friends

Pennsylvania has been having some chilly weather this winter. A few weeks ago, the lows were in the single digits and the highs were only in the teens! While many people grimace at the...

Boy with Movie Camera 1992 detail 0

A Boy with a Movie Camera

Moving pictures are a powerful way to capture and preserve history. In 1929, the Ukrainian filmmaker Dziga Vertov released his silent film, Man with a Movie Camera. It was largely dismissed due to its...

Harrises Hidlay 1939 1

The Harrises of Hidlay: Part 2

It’s sometimes difficult for me to remember how I got started on some of my genealogical work from decades ago. I know that I did very little work on other branches of the family...

Mock Shotgun Wedding Hidlay Church PA 1948 Detail 0

Mock Shotgun Weddings

As my father wrote about last week, we recently received a collection of photographs from the Harris family. The Harrises intermarried with the Hagenbuchs and the two families attended Hidlay Lutheran Church in Columbia...

Wreath Clarence and Hannah (Sechler) Hagenbuch Grave 0

Wreaths of Remembrance

As Christmas approaches, each year for the past several years my wife, Linda, has made evergreen wreaths to give to friends, to hang outside at our abode, and to place on relatives’ gravesites. These...

1950 Census Enumerator Virginia Detail 4

First Thoughts on the 1950 Census

April 1, 2022 marked an important occasion for genealogists—and, no, it had nothing to do with April Fools’ Day! On this day, family historians celebrated the release of the 1950 United States Census records,...

Roy and Mary Pearl Gutshall, 1918 Detail 0

Cousins Around the Corner

We went to my wife Linda’s 50th High School reunion at Greencastle, Pennsylvania a few weeks ago. Greencastle has a different way of scheduling their school reunions. The reunions coincide with the town’s Old...