Tagged: Pennsylvania

Laurel Hill Cemetery 0

Seven Cemeteries in One Day, Part 1

When I was young, my family didn’t go on outings to the circus or trips to Disneyland. We couldn’t afford them. Instead, we stayed in our small rural West Texas town, and my parents...

Waiting for a Bite, Winslow Homer, Detail 2

Gone Fishin’… for Pheasants?

The following was reported 101 years ago in the “Short and Quick” section of The Evening News from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: “Corkie” Hagenbuch, of Jamison City, near Bloomsburg, while fishing yesterday in West Creek, caught...

Hagenbuch Things Flags Pictures Detail 3

Every “Thing” Has a Story!

I have been thinking about this article for a few weeks. It is what I would call an opinion piece or maybe better—ramblings! Lately, due to some less-than-good news about my prostate cancer, I...

Tanner Currier 1790 Detail 6

Homestead Economics: Leather Tanning

Life at the Hagenbuch Homestead stank—quite literally! By the early 1800s, the homestead had a sizable tannery, large enough to be recorded on at least one map of the area as the “Hagenbuch Tanyard.”...