Tagged: Pennsylvania

Close up Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch Fraktur 1

Dating Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch’s Fraktur

Dating historic documents can be challenging. Indeed, from the moment the Taufschein Fraktur of Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch (b. 1754, d. 1825) was discovered, there were numerous questions about when it was created. On the...

William Paul Roat Tractor 1950 Detail 1

Dear Diary

Along with letters, baptismal certificates, newspaper articles, old histories, and other ephemera, diaries can be a very important part of learning about past generations. Knowing this, when I retired in 2008 I purchased a...

Jacob Hagenbuch Inventory 1842 0

Inventory of Jacob Hagenbuch’s Estate

Jacob Hagenbuch died in 1842 in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. He was born in 1777 and inherited the family homestead from his father, Michael Hagenbuch (b. 1746, d. 1809), who had received the...

Friends of Oscar Foust, c. 1900 0

Exploring Photos from the Bibby-Foust Collection

A previous article discussed photographs from the Tilman and Mary Ann “Hagenbuch” Foust family collected by Ethel Bibby. The Foust family lived in Milton, Pennsylvania. Mary Ann “Hagenbuch” Foust was born in 1842. Her...

John & Emma "Hagenbuch" Reichard Farm 1895 Detail 1

Old Time Christmas in a Country Home

This story was shared in the December, 1983 issue of the “Beech Grove.” It first appeared in the “Lancaster County Guardian” in January, 1871 and was included with other folk culture stories by Alfred...

Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch Fraktur Taufschein Front 0

Update on Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch’s Fraktur

It’s been over four months since we announced the discovery of Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch’s birth and baptismal Fraktur. What began as a serendipitous find on eBay, has since yielded important information – as well...

Hagenbuch Homestead Site B Detail 2

Searching for Andreas Hagenbuch’s House: Part 3

In 1741, Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1711, d. 1785) acquired 150 acres of land in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. For decades, it was assumed that the original homestead on the site was located close...

Enoch Hagenbuch Handwriting 0

Thoughts on Timothy Hagenbuch’s 1851 Letter

Timothy Hagenbuch’s 1851 letter to his brother, Enoch, is an important piece of history. Besides providing insights into family relationships, the letter reveals reasons why some Hagenbuchs picked up and headed west. When the...