Tagged: Pennsylvania

River Church, Delaware Run, St. John's Lutheran 0

The Book, Part 4

This is the fourth in a five part series about “the book” owned by Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1715). At the end of Part 3, the immigrant Andreas Hagenbuch has died and willed the book,...

Nana, Irene Hagenbuch, 2001 1

Letters From Nana, Part 2

In the first part in this series, I shared letters and postcards from Nana, Irene (Faus) Hagenbuch (b. 1920, d. 2011), dating from my first semester at Ithaca College in the fall of 1999....

Nine Tailors 1774 0

The Book, Part 3

Below is a continuation of the story of the Lutheran pietist book, Wahren Christentum (True Christianity) written by Johann Arndt, which was willed to John Hagenbuch (b. 1763) by his father, Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1715)....

Round Barn Postcard Front Detail 7

Letters From Nana, Part 1

A few months ago while rummaging through a box of old papers, I found a number of letters and postcards sent to me from my grandmother, Irene (Faus) Hagenbuch. “Nana,” as she was known...

William S. Hagenbuch, Lucy Ann (Knepper) Hagenbuch, 1865 0

William S. Hagenbuch Family: Part 2

This article was written by guest author William L. Mangold, the great great grandson of William S. Hagenbuch. Last year, my wife Kathleen gave me a DNA kit for my birthday. The results provided...

Horse and Rider detail painting Bryant White 0

The Book, Part 2

Below is the continuation of a short story in the historical fiction genre regarding the book Wahres Christentum (True Christianity), which Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1715) willed to his youngest son, John (b. 1763). Read Part 1...

Wahres Christentum Book Engravings Detail 0

The Book, Part 1

I expect most people don’t regularly read what I term as pure history. However, many people read historical fiction where the plot, the setting, and the characters are located in the past; but the...

Joe Robb, Mark Hagenbuch Detail 0

Preserving Family Treasures

On a snowy Saturday at the end of 2017, my father, Mark Hagenbuch, and I traveled to visit his cousin, Joe Robb. As first cousins, my father and Joe share grandparents–Clarence Hagenbuch (b. 1889,...