Tagged: Pennsylvania

Mark and Andrew Hagenbuch Detail 3

Four Years On

Talking with my father the other day, he mentioned that I should begin writing a recap for the previous year of Hagenbuch.org. Really? Has another year passed already? Four years ago, this site was...

Mark Hagenbuch Dreisbach Stone Detail 0

In Search of Hagenbuch History

Recently, my father, Mark Hagenbuch, and I spent the day visiting a number of sites within Northampton County, Pennsylvania. We were there in search of Hagenbuch history and had high hopes of uncovering new...

Joseph Hagenbuch, 1811 detail 0

Letters From the Past: Part 2

In September of 2017, I wrote an article about the hundreds of letters I found that had been received when I first began working seriously on genealogy in 1978. As mentioned before, these letters...

Ichabod B. Crane 1848 0

Henry Hagenbuch Meets Ichabod Crane

For many people, the name Ichabod Crane conjures images of a lanky schoolmaster being chased through the night by a headless horseman. That is, after all, the premise of Washington Irving’s well-known story “The...

4th Hagenbuch Reunion 1941 4

On Reunions and Summer Picnics

The 74th Hagenbuch Reunion, held at Oak Grove Lutheran Church a few weeks ago, got me thinking about other reunions of the past. Not only the previous 73 reunions whose attendees were primarily descendants...

Reuben Hagenbuch 1825 Detail 3

Untangling Four Reuben Hagenbuchs

In May I received a message from a reader, Tom, who was looking for information about Reuben Hagenbuch. Tom was hitting a dead end partly because there appeared to be several Reuben Hagenbuchs born...