Tagged: New York

L. Hagenbuch Painting Detail 2

L. Hagenbuch: Identifying a Watercolor Artist

Our Hagenbuch family tree is full of creative energy, filled with relatives who are artists. They express themselves through writing, painting, music, and acting—to name a few. This list doesn’t even include crafts such...

Mary E. (Kirkendall) Hagenbuch 1915 5

Mary E. (Kirkendall) Hagenbuch, Teacher

The following article, research, and information was completed by Norma Kay (Penman) Hurter about her grandmother, Mary E. (Kirkendall) Hagenbuch. Previously, Norma Kay has contributed other articles about her family including one about her...

Charles C. Hagenbuch and Gail 1951 Detail 7

My Uncle Charles: Now I Know You Better

To begin this last in the series on my Uncle Charles, I want to thank my first cousin, Leon Hagenbuch, for looking through the attic-found box and realizing it’s importance. I suppose to many...

Lucy Minturn Barnet Detail 2

Picnics in the Cemetery

Cemeteries are spooky places, right? After all, during Halloween, people set up plastic gravestones in their front yards to scare the trick-or-treaters. Shortly after arriving in California in 2008, the friend I was staying...