Tagged: New Bethel Church

Thomas Sechler Portrait Detail 2

Hagenbuchs and Sechlers Entwined

Back in about 1978, I first walked through the graveyard at New Bethel Union Church near the Hagenbuch homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. I had been looking for the farm where Andreas...

Colonial Friends 2

Friends of the Family

Growing up in Montour County, our family was associated with neighboring farm families that were good friends of my parents, Homer and Irene (Faus) Hagenbuch. There were the Durlin brothers—Bob, Bill, and Fred—and their...

Bob and Mark Hagenbuch Homestead Cemetery 0

Cemetery Cleanup Day 2019

Last week, several Hagenbuchs made the journey to the Hagenbuch Homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, to clean up the family cemetery there. The cleanup has become a yearly tradition, and the group...

Reuben Hagenbuch 1825 Detail 3

Untangling Four Reuben Hagenbuchs

In May I received a message from a reader, Tom, who was looking for information about Reuben Hagenbuch. Tom was hitting a dead end partly because there appeared to be several Reuben Hagenbuchs born...