Tagged: Michael Hagenbuch

Hagenbuch Homestead Cemetery 0

Andreas Hagenbuch’s Last Will and Testament

Andreas Hagenbuch died in 1785, sometime between April 11th and September 26th. He was likely buried in the family cemetery at the Hagenbuch homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Below is a translation...

Enoch Hagenbuch 1890 1

Enoch Hagenbuch: Early Family Historian, Part 1

Enoch Hagenbuch was a great grandson of Andreas Hagenbuch (Andreas b. 1711, Michael b. 1746, Jacob b. 1777, Enoch b. 1814). In 1884 he wrote a manuscript detailing what he knew of the Hagenbuch...

Barn Fire 1

Hagenbuchs Face Danger on Pennsylvania’s Frontier

It’s difficult to imagine the hardships faced by Andreas Hagenbuch and his family family upon their arrival in Pennsylvania in 1737. Outside of cities like Philadelphia, there were few amenities or protections. Frontier areas...

Michael Abigail Hagenbuch Homestead 1

Expanding the Hagenbuch Homestead

The Hagenbuch homestead was established on November 4, 1741 when Andreas Hagenbuch received a land warrant for 150.5 acres. The homestead was situated in what is today Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Read more...