Tagged: Mark O. Hagenbuch

Mark Odis Hagenbuch 18

Remembering Mark O. Hagenbuch

Seventy-one years ago, a baby was born to farmers in Limestoneville, PA. In the years to follow, that baby — Mark Odis Hagenbuch — would grow up and dedicate his life to educating the...

Laurel Hill Cemetery 0

Seven Cemeteries in One Day, Part 1

When I was young, my family didn’t go on outings to the circus or trips to Disneyland. We couldn’t afford them. Instead, we stayed in our small rural West Texas town, and my parents...

Mark Hagenbuch 1953 Detail 12

Happy 70th Birthday, Dad!

If you have followed Hagenbuch.org for any period of time, you will know that we typically post articles on Tuesdays. Today, however, is Monday, June 19th—so what is going on? Well, as the article...

Christmas Sweaters Regina Hagenbuch 3

Regina Hagenbuch’s Christmas Sweaters

There is a story in our family that goes something like this: One Christmas when I was two years old, my parents wanted me to wear a sweater outfit that I had received as...

Barb, Bob, David, Mark Hagenbuch 2009 2

Distinguishing Features

“Ahh, she looks just like Uncle Joe!” “No, she doesn’t. But she has her mother’s nose.” “Well, I think she looks just her Daddy’s picture when he was born. Look at those eyes and...