Tagged: Linda “Gutshall” Hagenbuch

Trundle Bed Detail 1

The Bedding Connection

Several weeks ago, we visited friends of ours in Virginia. We stayed two nights. If you are like Linda and me, you never sleep well in a strange bed. In fact, Linda and I...

William Luther Hagenbuch Chest 6

A New Leaf on the Family Tree

Occasionally, I ponder what Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1715, d. 1785) would think of his extensive family tree. During his lifetime, Andreas knew his children and some of his grand children. How might he react...

Roy and Mary Pearl Gutshall, 1918 Detail 0

Cousins Around the Corner

We went to my wife Linda’s 50th High School reunion at Greencastle, Pennsylvania a few weeks ago. Greencastle has a different way of scheduling their school reunions. The reunions coincide with the town’s Old...

Cousins Peter DeMartini and Cousins Peter DeMartini and Katie (Hagenbuch) Emig 2

Seventh Cousins

In late December 2017, Linda and I drove to Freeport, Maine to visit with our daughter, Katie (Hagenbuch) Emig, her husband Nelson, and our granddaughter Hadley. North of there—in Bath, Maine—live Jim and Sally...

Santa Ornaments Detail 1

Christmas Ornaments

The tradition of decorating an evergreen tree during the Christmas season is believed to have started in Germany during the 1500s. Our early Hagenbuch ancestors certainly knew and practiced this custom before coming to...


Oh, The Faces We Know!

As I have written many other times, I was fortunate to grow up with several genealogical mentors who would show me old photos of our family and not only name the folks in the...

Stone House Detail 1

Exploring Hagenbuch Country

Over a year ago, my Aunt Barb—Barbara (Hagenbuch) Huffman—and I were chatting on the phone about the Hagenbuch homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Being an avid birder, she mentioned how wonderful it...

Halloween 1956 Detail 0

Treat or Treat

A usual statement out of my mouth every other week is, “I have to start an article.” And, I continue by telling my wife Linda what I’m going to write about for my next...