Tagged: Linda “Gutshall” Hagenbuch

Mark Hagenbuch butchers 2001 detail 7

Hog Butchering with Family and Friends

Pennsylvania has been having some chilly weather this winter. A few weeks ago, the lows were in the single digits and the highs were only in the teens! While many people grimace at the...

Sara (Mowery) Hagenbuch Guitar Christmas 1993 0

Imperfectly Perfect Gifts

One of the many joys of Christmas is the delight that comes from giving and receiving gifts. What child hasn’t wished for some item, written a letter to Santa, or dropped hints to their...

Mock Shotgun Wedding Hidlay Church PA 1948 Detail 0

Mock Shotgun Weddings

As my father wrote about last week, we recently received a collection of photographs from the Harris family. The Harrises intermarried with the Hagenbuchs and the two families attended Hidlay Lutheran Church in Columbia...

Mark and Homer Hagenbuch Gettysburg 1967 Detail 1

Back to My Roots with Photos

When I began dating Linda back in 1972, I became interested in photography. My mother, Irene, had already been taking a lot of photos for years and many of these were on slides. We...

Hagenbuch Family Fairfield Inn 1993 Detail 5

30 Years Past: The Great Family Trip

The other day Andrew reminded me that 30 years ago, the summer of 1993, our family had just returned home from our circular trip through the western portion of the United States. Between June...

Mark Hagenbuch 1953 Detail 12

Happy 70th Birthday, Dad!

If you have followed Hagenbuch.org for any period of time, you will know that we typically post articles on Tuesdays. Today, however, is Monday, June 19th—so what is going on? Well, as the article...

Hagenbuch Things Flags Pictures Detail 3

Every “Thing” Has a Story!

I have been thinking about this article for a few weeks. It is what I would call an opinion piece or maybe better—ramblings! Lately, due to some less-than-good news about my prostate cancer, I...

Christmas Tree Ornaments 4

Merry Christmas in Photos

The final article in the series “My Uncle Charles” will take a brief hiatus as we celebrate Christmas with some vintage photos from the archives. Andrew and I are forever touting to save your...

Barb, Bob, David, Mark Hagenbuch 2009 2

Distinguishing Features

“Ahh, she looks just like Uncle Joe!” “No, she doesn’t. But she has her mother’s nose.” “Well, I think she looks just her Daddy’s picture when he was born. Look at those eyes and...