Tagged: Julia Rebecca Hagenbuch

YMCA Chicago Postcard 1915 Detail 4

My Uncle Charles: Letters From Home to Chicago

My Uncle Charles was interested in furthering his education. He was not engrossed in farming as many of our Hagenbuch clan in the early 1900s. His story brings to mind the popular World War...

Oak Grove Lutheran Church Vacation Bible School 1957 1

Oak Grove Church Memories

As mentioned in other articles, family stories and genealogical nostalgia are just as important as recording names, dates, and places. Memories of growing up have brought me to the realization that there really are...

Euchre Party Photo Detail 0

Parlour Games

Who remembers a time when there was no television, no computers, and folks would get together on a Saturday evening to play games? Some people still do this and have an evening once in...

Tilman Madge Paul 1916 Detail 2

Brother and Sister Day

Preceding Mother’s Day is a little known celebration entitled Brother and Sister Day which is held on May 2nd. The following are photos from the past of Hagenbuch brothers and sisters. These photos were...

Hiram Hagenbuch House 1890 Detail 2

Hiram Hagenbuch’s Farm Rediscovered Near Milton, PA

The exact location of Hiram Hagenbuch’s home and farm were recently rediscovered just north of Milton, Pennsylvania. Besides solving a family mystery, their discovery has helped to uncover an important relationship between Hagenbuch cousins....

Hagenbuch Siblings Percy Julia Kathryn Clarence 2

A Boy Becomes a Genealogist

Most of my immediate family have heard the story of how I became interested in Hagenbuch genealogy and subsequently collected thousands of names, dates, and artifacts. One certainly has to be interested in history...