In January of 2023, we received a message from Joy Nairn inquiring about her Reichelderfer ancestors. The Reicheldersfers were neighbors of the Hagenbuchs in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, and they lived at the...
Dating historic documents can be challenging. Indeed, from the moment the Taufschein Fraktur of Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch (b. 1754, d. 1825) was discovered, there were numerous questions about when it was created. On the...
It’s been over four months since we announced the discovery of Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch’s birth and baptismal Fraktur. What began as a serendipitous find on eBay, has since yielded important information – as well...
Recently, an artifact of Hagenbuch history was discovered and returned to the family. This was the birth and baptismal Fraktur of Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch (b. 1754, d. 1825). More accurately termed a Taufschein, only...