Timothy Hagenbuch’s Taufschein for Maria Magdalena Friess
A few weeks ago, I was searching Google for a document related to our Hagenbuch family. I can’t remember exactly what I was looking for now, but I often use search engines to find...
A few weeks ago, I was searching Google for a document related to our Hagenbuch family. I can’t remember exactly what I was looking for now, but I often use search engines to find...
In early June, Andrew received a message from Jacob Robison who asked some questions about our family’s DNA tests and also about the Hagenbuch coat of arms. He was curious if we had any...
In 1839, Timothy Hagenbuch wrote a letter to his brother, Enoch. Timothy was living at the Hagenbuch Homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Enoch had moved west to Muncie Town, Delaware County, Indiana....
The internet is an amazing tool for connecting people and information. The more we share on Hagenbuch.org, the easier it is for people to find and connect with their family roots. When my father...
With some regularity, my father, Mark Hagenbuch, and I stumble upon new information or other corrections to our articles. Sometimes these are substantial enough to warrant writing an entirely new piece. However, more often...
Early this year, an exciting piece of Hagenbuch family history was discovered – an original, 1851 letter from Timothy Hagenbuch to his younger brother, Enoch. Not only does this letter shed light upon important...