Tagged: Harold Sechler

Hagenbuch Library Shelves Detail 0

What Did They Read?

Books, magazines, newspapers, fiction, nonfiction, autobiographies, biographies, historical fiction, pure history, romance, poetry—the list could go on and on of what people read. What we read is a reflection of our pleasures, our beliefs,...


Oh, The Faces We Know!

As I have written many other times, I was fortunate to grow up with several genealogical mentors who would show me old photos of our family and not only name the folks in the...

Harold Sechler and Homer Hagenbuch 3

The Last of Their Generation

Harold Sechler and Ellen Hagenbuch were first cousins. Harold’s father, John Sechler, was a brother to Ellen’s mother, Hannah (Sechler) Hagenbuch, born 1889.  Only a year apart in age Harold and Ellen died within...

Bessie (Robbins) Sechler Remedy Detail 2

Home Remedies

Recently my father, Mark Hagenbuch, handed me a recipe book once owned by Bessie Mae (Robbins) Sechler (b. 1888, d. 1973). It was previously in the possession of Harold Sechler (b. 1923), who is...

Oma & Nana Afghans Detail 0

More Family Icons & Their Stories

A little over a year ago my father and site co-founder, Mark Hagenbuch, wrote an article examining the importance of “family icons.” These are objects that are prized by families for the stories attached...

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Six Margarets

As mentioned in the June 7, 2016 article “What’s In A Name?”, several generations in my immediate family have carried on the name Margaret. Most genealogists are mainly concerned with a direct male line...

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A Day Trip Through Hagenbuch Country

A few weeks ago, I traveled from California to Pennsylvania to visit with family. One of the highlights of the trip was a day spent with my father and website co-author, Mark O. Hagenbuch....

Pig Butchering Cracklins 1

Butchering Day Memories from the Farm, Part 2

This article is a continuation of last week’s Butchering Day Memories from the Farm. In it, we got started with the pig butchering process: killing the hog, sticking it to bleed it out, scalding...