Tagged: Hagenbuch homestead

Detail of an illustration of an newly cleared American farm by Patrick Campbell, 1793. Credit: Library.yale.edu 2

Homestead Economics: Introduction

How did Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1715, d. 1785), his immediate family, and his descendants make a living in the 18th and early 19th centuries? Today, we develop skills, find jobs, and build careers in...

Hagenbuch Family Transatlantic Migrations Detail 2

Family On The Move: 1500–1800

Like many American families, our Hagenbuch family story is one of movement. It began in Switzerland sometime before the 1500s, migrated to what is now Germany in the 1600s, and finally came to America...

Mark Hagenbuch Deitsch Eck 2

A Winter’s Day in Hagenbuch Country

On a cold January day, my father, Mark Hagenbuch, and I ventured into Hagenbuch country—Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. We had three important stops planned for the day, all of significance to our family....

Man With Book Painting Detail 1

Painting Portraits of Our Family, Part 2

The primary career of women, like Andreas’ wives, in colonial America was housewife or Hausfrau (that is, running the household) and raising the children. However, Andreas’ daughters and possibly a granddaughter were also likely...

Mark and Andrew Hagenbuch 2019 Detail 5

Five Years On

Earlier this year, I was telling someone about a few of the articles that had been published on Hagenbuch.org. Their response: How much can you write about one family? Well, according to our most...

Bob and Mark Hagenbuch Homestead Cemetery 0

Cemetery Cleanup Day 2019

Last week, several Hagenbuchs made the journey to the Hagenbuch Homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, to clean up the family cemetery there. The cleanup has become a yearly tradition, and the group...

Hagenbuch Homestead Pre-1800 Exterior Detail 0

A Visit to the Hagenbuch Homestead

Several weeks ago, I visited the Hagenbuch homestead in Berks County, Pennsylvania along with my father, mother, and wife. The purpose of our visit was to explore the buildings at the homestead, as well...

Lucy Minturn Barnet Detail 2

Picnics in the Cemetery

Cemeteries are spooky places, right? After all, during Halloween, people set up plastic gravestones in their front yards to scare the trick-or-treaters. Shortly after arriving in California in 2008, the friend I was staying...