Tagged: Delaware Run Lutheran Church

Wreath Clarence and Hannah (Sechler) Hagenbuch Grave 0

Wreaths of Remembrance

As Christmas approaches, each year for the past several years my wife, Linda, has made evergreen wreaths to give to friends, to hang outside at our abode, and to place on relatives’ gravesites. These...

Hagenbuch Reunion Family 6

Planning the 2020 Hagenbuch Reunion

Several readers have written asking for information about the next Hagenbuch Family Reunion, since one was not planned for 2019. Currently, a date and a location have been set for a family reunion in...

River Church, Delaware Run, St. John's Lutheran 0

The Book, Part 4

This is the fourth in a five part series about “the book” owned by Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1715). At the end of Part 3, the immigrant Andreas Hagenbuch has died and willed the book,...

Johann Martin Bely (Bailey) Baptismal Fraktur 0

Hagenbuch Family Birth and Baptismal Frakturs

Birth and baptismal records are an important source of genealogical information. Most notably, they provide the birth dates of individuals. However, they also reveal family relationships such as parents and, in the case of...

Pig Butchering Cracklins 1

Butchering Day Memories from the Farm, Part 2

This article is a continuation of last week’s Butchering Day Memories from the Farm. In it, we got started with the pig butchering process: killing the hog, sticking it to bleed it out, scalding...