Tagged: Carbon County

Jacob and Christina (Hagenbuch) Kistler Gravestone 18

Our Kistler Cousins

A few weeks ago I was thinking of the Kistler family, which married into our Hagenbuch family through the patriarch Andreas Hagenbuch’s (b. 1715) daughter Christina (b. 1759). Christina’s mother was Andreas’ second wife,...

Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan Detail 1

Family On The Move: 1800–1840

The first part in this article series followed 300 years of family history from 1500 to 1800, as our Hagenbuch ancestors moved first from Switzerland to Germany and then to America. One line of...

Joan Kathleen Hagenbuch 1944 9

Two Little Girls

It began with two photos. Two little girls dressed in the 1940s fashion—hooded coats, snow pants, and woolen leggings. The girls, Kathleen Hagenbuch and Joan Hagenbuch, were somehow related, and the photos were probably...