Tagged: California

John and Emma Hagenbuch Reichard Farm 1914 3

Hagenbuch-Reichard Connections: Part 1

The March 9, 2021 article was about the connections between the Hagenbuchs and the Reichard family of Columbia County, Pennsylvania. Some of that information was provided by Shaun Creighton. In providing information, Shaun sent...

Hagenbuch Migrations 1900 Detail 3

Family On The Move: 1840–1900

Like many Americans, our Hagenbuch family story is about leaving one place for another, often in search of a better life and new opportunities. The first part in this article series followed our family’s story...

Detail of a photo of William Allen Hagenbaugh and family, c. 1893. 7

California, Here We Come!

Back in 1979 when I was attempting to contact every Hagenbuch I could through snail mail, I received information from Robert L. Hagenbaugh (b. 1921) from Springville, California. Robert (as previously written in the...