Tagged: butchering

Mark Hagenbuch butchers 2001 detail 7

Hog Butchering with Family and Friends

Pennsylvania has been having some chilly weather this winter. A few weeks ago, the lows were in the single digits and the highs were only in the teens! While many people grimace at the...

Early 19th Century Kitchen Detail 0

Thoughts on Jacob Hagenbuch’s Estate Inventory

Jacob Hagenbuch died in 1842 at the Hagenbuch homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. He left no will, forcing a local judge to order that his entire estate be inventoried. The contents of...

Pig Butchering Cracklins 1

Butchering Day Memories from the Farm, Part 2

This article is a continuation of last week’s Butchering Day Memories from the Farm. In it, we got started with the pig butchering process: killing the hog, sticking it to bleed it out, scalding...

Hog Butchering 1919 0

Butchering Day Memories from the Farm, Part 1

Last Tuesday was Fastnacht Day here in our part of Pennsylvania. In our Montour County household we called it Doughnut Day. It wasn’t until I moved to York County thirty years ago that I...