Tagged: Bloomsburg

Hagenbuch Privy Bottle 0

The Privy Bottle, Part 2

This article is the second part in a series. The first part may be read here. After purchasing the privy bottle on eBay, it was taken to a bottle expert—Harry M.—who has collected thousands...

Earl Hagenbuch, Jr. Family 1981 Detail 5

Letters From the Past: Part 1

A few weeks ago I was in our barn looking for something. The upstairs of the building is storage, and we have a lot of “stuff” stored there. Most of the boxes are marked...

Homer Hagenbuch Bible Detail 0

The Family Bible: Part 2

In addition to the Andrew Snyder Bible detailed in part 1 of The Family Bible, I have in my possession eleven other Bibles of which brief descriptions were given previously. All of these are...

Oak Grove Lutheran Church c1900 0

A Hagenbuch Church

We know that our early Hagenbuch ancestors were of the Lutheran persuasion. In fact, our immigrant forefather Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1711) was versed in the Lutheran pietism of Johann Arndt, as evidenced by his...

Hagenbuch Family Picnic 1937 0

Analysis of 1938 Hagenbuch Reunion Attendance

As written previously in other articles, I believe myself fortunate that I grew up in an extended family which included great aunts, great uncles, my grandparents, first and second cousins of my father, and...