Tagged: Berks County

Michael Hagenbuch 1855 Inventory Detail 0

Inventory of Michael Hagenbuch’s Estate

Michael Hagenbuch (b. 1805, d. 1855) was the last family owner of the Hagenbuch homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. He had acquired the property from his father, Jacob Hagenbuch (b. 1777, d....

The Soldiers Return by Bryant White 3

Andreas Hagenbuch’s Soldier Sons: Part 2

Andreas Hagenbuch acted as an example for his sons by providing military service to early America. Not only did Andreas provide patriotic service during the Revolutionary War, he also had a history of providing...

Fastnachts Store Bought 0

Shrove Tuesday, Fastnacht Day

Although this day was celebrated last week, the following article will give some insight into this very Pennsylvania Deitsch tradition. This article appeared in the March, 1984 Beech Grove newsletter. Literally translated from the German,...

Jacob Hagenbuch Inventory 1842 0

Inventory of Jacob Hagenbuch’s Estate

Jacob Hagenbuch died in 1842 in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. He was born in 1777 and inherited the family homestead from his father, Michael Hagenbuch (b. 1746, d. 1809), who had received the...

Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch Fraktur Taufschein Front 0

Update on Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch’s Fraktur

It’s been over four months since we announced the discovery of Anna Elizabeth Hagenbuch’s birth and baptismal Fraktur. What began as a serendipitous find on eBay, has since yielded important information – as well...

Hagenbuch Homestead Site B Detail 2

Searching for Andreas Hagenbuch’s House: Part 3

In 1741, Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1711, d. 1785) acquired 150 acres of land in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. For decades, it was assumed that the original homestead on the site was located close...

Oak Grove Lutheran Church c1900 0

A Hagenbuch Church

We know that our early Hagenbuch ancestors were of the Lutheran persuasion. In fact, our immigrant forefather Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1711) was versed in the Lutheran pietism of Johann Arndt, as evidenced by his...