Tagged: Barbara “Hagenbuch” Huffman

Sara (Mowery) Hagenbuch Guitar Christmas 1993 0

Imperfectly Perfect Gifts

One of the many joys of Christmas is the delight that comes from giving and receiving gifts. What child hasn’t wished for some item, written a letter to Santa, or dropped hints to their...

Charles and Homer Hagenbuch with Miss Dye 1923 Detail 1

Remember, Remember, the Days of November

Recently, Linda and I attended a birthday party for our four-year-old grandson, William. Not long after this, we were treated to a birthday meal for my nephew, Tom Huffman, who was born on November...

Homer & Andrew Hagenbuch 1985 Detail 2

When the Photograph is the Memory

A few months ago, my aunt, Barbara “Barb” (Hagenbuch) Huffman, sent me a photograph that had been taken by my grandmother, Irene “Nana” (Faus) Hagenbuch (b. 1920). The image depicts my grandfather, Homer “Pop”...

Donald Reaser Home Fire 1980 Detail 4

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Printed newspapers are a dying form of communication. A year or so ago, Linda and I stopped purchasing the Harrisburg newspaper. I hadn’t looked through it for years and Linda was getting it so...

Andreas Hagenbuch Descendants Sketch Detail 2

{[(1+1=4)+5=11]+9=19} = 34

Is this new math? Does it represent some sort of algebra? Is it some sort of secret code? What sort of title is this for a genealogical article? I thought of titling this article:...

Barb, Bob, David, Mark Hagenbuch 2009 2

Distinguishing Features

“Ahh, she looks just like Uncle Joe!” “No, she doesn’t. But she has her mother’s nose.” “Well, I think she looks just her Daddy’s picture when he was born. Look at those eyes and...