Tagged: Andrew Hagenbuch

Making Handmade Christmas Cards Detail 0

Handmade Christmas Cards

For the last decade, my wife Sara and I have made it part of our holiday traditions to handmake some of our own Christmas cards. The first year or two, I found the process...

Mark and Andrew Hagenbuch 2019 Detail 5

Five Years On

Earlier this year, I was telling someone about a few of the articles that had been published on Hagenbuch.org. Their response: How much can you write about one family? Well, according to our most...

Hans Herr House Detail 2

A Deitschy Day in PA

The deepest roots of our Hagenbuch family tree stretch into Switzerland and Germany. However, for those Hagenbuchs living in the United States, it is an oversimplification to refer to ourselves only as Swiss-German. After...

Hagenbuch Family Plot Stone in Milton Cemetery 0

The Mysterious Peter Hagenbuch

When I was about 13 years of age, I began my journey of learning about and researching our family history. I had a copy of the family tree which William Hagenbaugh of California had...

Santa Ornaments Detail 1

Christmas Ornaments

The tradition of decorating an evergreen tree during the Christmas season is believed to have started in Germany during the 1500s. Our early Hagenbuch ancestors certainly knew and practiced this custom before coming to...

Mark and Andrew Hagenbuch Detail 3

Four Years On

Talking with my father the other day, he mentioned that I should begin writing a recap for the previous year of Hagenbuch.org. Really? Has another year passed already? Four years ago, this site was...