Tagged: Andreas Hagenbuch

Resurrection of Christ with Donor Family 0

Easter Day: April 7, 1765

This article contains several quotes from Johann Arndt’s 1605 book concerning Pietism. Although I realize that the writings can be difficult to understand at times, please take the time to read them carefully and...

Hagenbuch Family Transatlantic Migrations Detail 2

Family On The Move: 1500–1800

Like many American families, our Hagenbuch family story is one of movement. It began in Switzerland sometime before the 1500s, migrated to what is now Germany in the 1600s, and finally came to America...

Grossgartach, Germany Illustration 4

Württemberg Geography

As we continue to explore the early history of our German ancestors, we have tried to wrap our minds around the geography of the region they lived in during the 17th and 18th centuries....

Plague Mask Detail 5

Plagues, Wars, and Despair

Although we know more than ever about Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1715) and his family in Berks County, his early life in Germany, before he came to America in 1737, is shrouded in mystery. Information...

George Hagenbuch Gravestone Plot 1

The Paper Chase: 3500 and Beyond

Several months ago about 2000 names had been added into Beechroots, the computer-based family record keeping tool created by Andrew in 2016. Now, Andrew’s wife Sara, cousin Ben Hagenbuch from the Illinois branch of...

Man With Book Painting Detail 1

Painting Portraits of Our Family, Part 2

The primary career of women, like Andreas’ wives, in colonial America was housewife or Hausfrau (that is, running the household) and raising the children. However, Andreas’ daughters and possibly a granddaughter were also likely...