Tagged: Andreas Hagenbuch

Hagenbuch Siblings Percy Julia Kathryn Clarence 2

A Boy Becomes a Genealogist

Most of my immediate family have heard the story of how I became interested in Hagenbuch genealogy and subsequently collected thousands of names, dates, and artifacts. One certainly has to be interested in history...

Barn Fire 1

Hagenbuchs Face Danger on Pennsylvania’s Frontier

It’s difficult to imagine the hardships faced by Andreas Hagenbuch and his family family upon their arrival in Pennsylvania in 1737. Outside of cities like Philadelphia, there were few amenities or protections. Frontier areas...

Michael Abigail Hagenbuch Homestead 1

Expanding the Hagenbuch Homestead

The Hagenbuch homestead was established on November 4, 1741 when Andreas Hagenbuch received a land warrant for 150.5 acres. The homestead was situated in what is today Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Read more...

Jacob Hagenbuch 1777 to 1842 1

Family We Will Never Forget

The other day I heard something that really struck a chord with me. I was listening to an interview with Kevin Kelly, a prolific writer and co-founder of Wired magazine. At the end of...

Log House Barn Landis Valley Museum 7

Establishing the Hagenbuch Homestead

Having arrived in Pennsylvania in 1737, Andreas Hagenbuch, his wife Maria Magdalena, and their two children settled in Berks County in 1738. There, they acquired a land warrant for a 200 acre parcel in...

Hagenbuch Blue Mountains Pennsylvania Allemengle 6

Andreas Hagenbuch Acquires Land in Berks County

Andreas Hagenbuch and his family landed in Philadelphia on September 18, 1737. By March 25, 1738, they had a warrant for 200 acres of land in what is today Berks County, Pennsylvania. As noted...

Hagenbuch Cabin Window Christmas 0

Christmas for the Hagenbuchs in Berks County

We all have fond memories of Christmases long ago. The snow seemed deeper, the stoves in our homes warmer, and the excitement of that special time seemed more intense. How did our early ancestors...