Tagged: Albany Township

Reuben Hagenbuch 1825 Detail 3

Untangling Four Reuben Hagenbuchs

In May I received a message from a reader, Tom, who was looking for information about Reuben Hagenbuch. Tom was hitting a dead end partly because there appeared to be several Reuben Hagenbuchs born...

Nine Tailors 1774 0

The Book, Part 3

Below is a continuation of the story of the Lutheran pietist book, Wahren Christentum (True Christianity) written by Johann Arndt, which was willed to John Hagenbuch (b. 1763) by his father, Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1715)....

Christian and Susanna Hagenbuch Gravestones 1

Exploring Christian Hagenbuch’s Family

Some of our Hagenbuch ancestors have left us with more mysteries than others. Christian Hagenbuch (b. 1747, d. 1812) is one of these individuals. When I first began working with my father, Mark Hagenbuch,...

Michael Hagenbuch 1855 Inventory Detail 0

Inventory of Michael Hagenbuch’s Estate

Michael Hagenbuch (b. 1805, d. 1855) was the last family owner of the Hagenbuch homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. He had acquired the property from his father, Jacob Hagenbuch (b. 1777, d....

The Soldiers Return by Bryant White 3

Andreas Hagenbuch’s Soldier Sons: Part 2

Andreas Hagenbuch acted as an example for his sons by providing military service to early America. Not only did Andreas provide patriotic service during the Revolutionary War, he also had a history of providing...