Timothy Hagenbuch’s Taufschein for Maria Magdalena Friess
A few weeks ago, I was searching Google for a document related to our Hagenbuch family. I can’t remember exactly what I was looking for now, but I often use search engines to find...
A few weeks ago, I was searching Google for a document related to our Hagenbuch family. I can’t remember exactly what I was looking for now, but I often use search engines to find...
The people living in the Allemaengel were fed up. The main route leading to and from their homes had fallen into such a state of disrepair that it was almost impassible. Haphazardly built when...
On March 25, 1738, Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1715) received a warrant for 200 acres of land in a corner of what is today Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. This place was the at edge...
This series of articles started with a question: What economic activities contributed to the success of the Hagenbuch Homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania? Before beginning to write, I already had some ideas....
Many early American farmers distilled their own liquor, not just for their own consumption but also for additional income. According to Mount Vernon, where George Washington ran a sizable distillery, the average Virginia distiller...
Of all the different economic activities at the Hagenbuch Homestead, agriculture was the most important and this only increased with time. After acquiring the homestead property in 1741, Andreas Hagenbuch (b. 1715, d. 1785)...
In his 1886 family history, Descendants of Andrew Hagenbuch, Enoch Hagenbuch (b. 1814) wrote the following: [Jacob Hagenbuch] married Magdalena Wolf, a sister of his brother Henry’s wife. Jacob’s wife was born April 29,...
It’s been awhile since my father and I have visited the Hagenbuch Homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. The last time we were there was on a cold, winter’s day in January of...
Between March and April of 2017, three articles were written about the Revolutionary War service of the patriarch Andreas Hagenbuch’s four sons: Henry (b. 1737), Michael (b. 1746), Christian (b. 1747), and John (b....
Life at the Hagenbuch Homestead stank—quite literally! By the early 1800s, the homestead had a sizable tannery, large enough to be recorded on at least one map of the area as the “Hagenbuch Tanyard.”...