A Short Story About A Long Quilt

Flag Silks Quilt Detail
Detail of a photo showing the quilt

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4 Responses

  1. Dave+Hagenbuch says:

    good work….thanks Mark…”the history never ends”….to be continued!

  2. Kathleen says:

    Beautiful quilt. I don’t think I ever remember seeing this quilt.

  3. Kit and Cathy Kelley says:


    Hi Mark, This is probably the web site you used when researching Mariah Madden. As a members of the Washingtonville Revitalization Committee, Sharon Waltman and I recently put together a bike loop that starts at DeLong Park, the former DeLong Memorial School playground and site of the original DeLong Memorial Fair in Washingtonville, down the Mexico Rd.to Narehood Rd, across the Chillisquaque Creek to Stecker Mill Rd, back across the Chillisquaque at the covered bridge on Keefer Mill Rd, to the Mexico Rd again and back to DeLong Park..
    The Madden Cemetery is one of the historical points of the loop’s map. I copied and documented the article from this web site for the bikers to pull up on their cell phones during a tour. Montour County has a panoply of historical threads that are woven through many of our old relatives and neighbors. Thanks for the interesting article.

  4. Mark Hagenbuch says:

    Hey Kit!! Yes, it’s the cemetery I mention in the article in which I expected to find Mariah. I was always curious about this cemetery but never stopped at it but drove past it many times. THANKS for your message and including many familiar roads and spots on your bike loop. Mark

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