Pronouncing Hagenbuch

The Marx Brothers pronouncing Hagenbuch

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26 Responses

  1. Michael Hagenbuch says:

    My family is one of those who have, for some awkward reason, have pronounced our name “HAY – GEN – BAW”. I don’t know why. Like you, I also learned the proper pronunciation when I took German in high school. My father shortened it to just “HAY – GEN” only for work. My uncle changed the spelling of his name to “HAGENBAUGH”. This angered my grandfather (his father) so much that they never spoke again. My grandparents were James William and Claire (Cliss) Hagenbuch. My uncle was James (Jimmy) Hagenbuch – not a junior. My father was named Robert (NMI) Hagenbuch. My uncle had two girls = Joyce and Vicki. My parents – Robert (Bob) and Betty – had two sons = Robert Lawrence (Larry) and myself, Michael Lee. My father died in August 2010, age 91; my brother died in March 2011, age 65; and my mother died on September 20th of this year, age 93. My brother leaves behind a wife, Donna Kay; and one son, Zachary Ryne Hagenbuch, age 30. I am not married (age 63) and have no children that I am aware of. It was really great to see a relative reach out. I hope others might join in. Who knows? We might be spread all over the country — or even the world !!! Oh, I live in Southern California (Arcadia). My grandparents came to California from Illinois, and lived in Glendale. My uncle Jimmy and his family lived in Washington state. We were not close.
    My best to all the Hagenbuch’s out there, no matter how you spell or pronounce our unique last name.
    All hail to US !!!

  2. Barry Hagenbuch says:

    I ‘m Barry Hagenbuch living in Cathedral City, CA. I moved here from Pennsylvania in 2001. When people ask how to pronounce my name, I usually say, Barry -it’s easier. I think I’m seventh generation from Andreas. My great-grandfather lived in Easton and then moved to Nazareth, PA. He was Peter Hagenbuch. Thank you Mark for keeping us posted. Since Arcadia isn’t too far away, maybe we can get together sometime.

    • Mark Hagenbuch says:

      Barry….sorry I didn’t answer sooner. Use my personal email and send me your line of descent from Andreas, or at least some info on your Peter so I can locate you in my records. Keep in touch. Mark

  3. Andrea Gonzales says:

    I’ve been practicing to get this right Cousin…but as dad would always say,
    “I don’t care what you call me, just don’t call me late for dinner”! Great article by the way…

  4. Edward Hagenbuch says:

    Born & raised in Logan County, IL Descended from Amos, who came to Illinois from PA around 1855. I still have family in IL although I do not live there any more. I have done quite a lot of genealogy on the family, mostly military. Any questions I might help on, please contact me. By the way, we use the -BAW pronunciation.

    • Mark Hagenbuch says:

      Edward: I sent you a personal email. Hope you have read the installments we have published on Enoch Hagenbuch’s history. I sent you some questions regarding Andreas and his 4 sons’ military service.

      • Chris Hagenbuch says:

        My family has been saying “Hay-gen-book” for as long as I can remember, I don’t know if it’s some Midwest pronunciation or not, but it has always resonated with me. I like how it sounds and have been proud of my last name as far as I can remember. My grandparents come from German lineage with last names like Speck and the way they pronounced Hagenbuch stuck in my mind since I was very young. Does anyone else use this pronunciation?

  5. Steve Hagenbuch says:

    Just came across this wonderful website! I am from Montour Co. PA and from the group that pronounces the name “hag-en-boo”. My grandfather was Norman Hagenbuch and my father Edward, both deceased. I now live in Vermont and believe I may be one of the only Hagenbuch’s in the state (anyone correct me if I am wrong). It’s been fun to see how more and more people are becoming familiar with our name, especially at my son’s elementary school.

  6. Adria Hagenbuch says:

    I am Adria Hagenbuch. We pronounce our name Hagen bu. Our Families are from the very same.

  7. Robert D. Carl, III says:

    Hi Mark,

    Saw this interesting website. I am a direct descendant of Andreas Hagenbuch as follows:
    Andreas Hagenbuch (New Albany Township, Berks County, PA)
    Christian Hagenbuch (Columbia Co. PA)
    John Hagenbuch (Columbia Co., PA)
    Robert Hagenbuch (Bloomsburg, PA)
    Benjamin D.F. Hagenbuch (Bloomsburg, PA)
    Robert Delroy Hagenbuch (Bloomsburg, PA, died in Shenandoah, PA)
    Jennie Hagenbuch Carl (Shenandoah, PA)
    Robert Delroy Carl, M.D. (Shenandoah, PA)
    Robert Delroy Carl, Jr. (Shenandoah, PA, died in Lancaster, PA)
    Robert Delroy Carl, III, (Lancaster, PA, living in Marietta, GA)

    So, I am 9 generations from our common ancestor Andreas Hagenbuch. Please put me in your database of Hagenbuch descendants. My great grandmother Jennie Hagenbuch Carl was a DAR member and had a family Bible listing my Hagenbuch ancestors from which this list is compiled. I think it is pretty accurate. I am proud to be a member of the extended Hagenbuch family.


    Your distant cousin,

    Bob Carl

  8. Craig Hagenbaugh says:

    Hello Cousins from Northern California-! As a proud descendent of my grandfather James William Hagenbaugh who changed the spelling from Hagenbuch during WWII. He changed it so if captured he wouldn’t be killed as a German fighting for the Allies. He was a commander of a B17 fighting squadron. I did my best to follow in his footsteps by serving in the United States Marine Corps. My wife Rachel and I live in Tracy CA along with my sister Tammy Slabaugh and husband Eric. My Father Steve Hagenbaugh and wife Diana live in Redding CA and my uncle Mark Hagenbaugh and Aunt Dana live in Bend Oregon. We are very excited to have found this page.

    • Andrew Hagenbuch says:

      Hi Craig. Great to hear from you, and that’s a terrific story! I will send you a personal message to discuss your line.

  9. Warren Hagenbuck says:

    My line is Andreas to Henry to Joseph to Charles Hagenbuch. At that point the spelling was changed to Hagenbuck and is pronounced Hagenbuck with buck like a deer.

  10. Lester Albert Potteiger says:

    You sound it out as I would. My ancestors originated in Spock (umlat o), Germany and over there the name is spelled Pfattheicher. Over here Potteiger or Pottieger if you are the ‘correct English’ branch. I was born in Harrisburg at the old Keystone Hospital and raised in Penbrook. My wife has relatives in Dillsburg – Freeburn. Her late brothers Robert and Maynard lived there as does some of their children today. I found your article interesting. I was looking for the ‘state’ of Pennsylvania in 1737 when my ancestor arrived in Philadelphia 5 October 1737 on the Billander Townsend, In 1999 I met two ninth cousins, Ludwig and Werner, in Blackenlock, Germany near Karlsruhe. They use the old German spelling. We had a German exchange student in 1984/85 and he arranged the meetings for me. We also viewed the original church records dating back to 1601 with my ancestor’s name in it. I’ve been fortunate to visit Germany five times, the latest in September 2010. I love it!

  11. Franklin Stahl says:

    I attended Warrior Run High School near Turbotville, PA. I remember people pronouncing the name, “Ha-gen-boo.” (Hagen rhyming with wagon)

  12. Dennis Hagenbuch says:

    Thanks Mark!
    Great article and comments.
    We have always pronounced it Hagenboo. My family lives in Michigan.
    Our Grandfather Charles Hagenbuch came from Pennsylvania to Detroit to
    work as a tool&dye maker in the auto industry. He then moved north and settled in
    Flushing, Michigan.
    But like many the name got hammered over the years. My Dad Ken Hagenbuch
    and my brothers always had the nickname – Buck!
    Thanks again.

  13. Anndrew Fisher says:

    I used to say Hagenbunch when I was like 7. Of course a little later I learned how to pronounce it right

  14. My mother & her 7 sisters & 3 brothers children of Charles & Lillian (Bason) Hagenbuch, all pronounced their last name with a ‘Boo’ at the end. I like the true German pronunciation!

  15. Justin Hagenbuch says:

    On the Charming Nancy post, you wrote that Andreas Hagenbuch left from a town north of Stuttgart which is present day Swabia. There is a Hagenbuch in Swabian, Bavaria which I have not been to, but, I have been to Hagenbuch in Switzerland. If the family is Lutheran, and there was no Germany or Switzerland in 1737, why do you say the name is of Swiss origin?

  16. Jeanie Columbo says:

    My grandfather was Charles Elmer Hagenbuch. My mother pronounced the name Hagenboo.
    I have some relatives in Crevling & Hidleys cemeteries in Bloomsburg.

  17. james snyder says:

    Thanks Mark.
    I’m James Snyder, Lancaster, Pa. My Grandfather was Cyrus Hagenbuch. We used the “BOO’ ending as well. This was great to read up on.

  18. Jill Gefvert-Minick says:

    The Clayton Hagenbuch branch from Williams Twps. Hay-gen-buck. Short e on the middle syllable. Of course we spell it correctly. I am Jill daughter of Llewellyn

  19. Amy Page says:

    My maternal grandmother, Marjorie Lorena Hagenbuch Buck, from southwest Michigan, pronounced it Hag-en-boo. I really appreciated this informational story. Thank you!

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