Picture Perfect: Family in Photos

Mark Hagenbuch Photo Archives Detail
Detail of a photo of Mark O. Hagenbuch examining family pictures.

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2 Responses

  1. Nancy Hagenbuch Worden says:

    Enjoyed your look at our ancestors. Wonderful photos. I remember Uncle Ralph & Aunt Florie.He was a tall man. What was his occupation? It seems he had to travel West. Do you have a photo of our Grandmother, Aunt Grace and Uncle Ralph?

  2. mark hagenbuch says:

    I don’t know of him ever living out west and the census shows him in Montour County during all the census takings. Yes, I have photos of Grandma, Aunt Grace and Uncle Ralph…many photos of the Sechlers. He and Aunt Florie’s children were Earl, Paul, Pete, George and Isabel who married Frank Shupp. Earl’s children come to the Sechler cousin get together (except for Larry who died in 2008); and Pete’s 3 daughters come also. Isabel’s daughter in law and daughter also attend. It’s great to keep in touch with them all.

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