This Week's Article From the Beech Grove

Charles and Homer Hagenbuch with Miss Dye 1923 Detail 1

Remember, Remember, the Days of November

Recently, Linda and I attended a birthday party for our four-year-old grandson, William. Not long after this, we were treated to a birthday meal for my nephew, Tom Huffman, who was born on November...

Thanksgiving Blessings Ad Detail 1

Family Thanksgiving News of Yore

With Thanksgiving almost upon us, I began to wonder about what news I might find about Hagenbuchs celebrating the holiday during earlier times. What I found did not disappoint and even led to the...

Mark and Andrew Hagenbuch, Hiram Hagenbuch Gravestone 0

Nine Years On

Each year, when I sit down to write a retrospective on the previous 12 months of, I find myself surprised by the number of fascinating pieces that have been published. Occasionally, I have...