This Week's Article From the Beech Grove

Hagenbuch Family Flag 3

Hagenbuch Coat of Arms

The Hagenbuch family has a unique coat of arms which even now is still used by the town of Hagenbuch in Switzerland. The coat of arms depicts a single beech tree surrounded by a...

Hagenbuch Siblings Percy Julia Kathryn Clarence 2

A Boy Becomes a Genealogist

Most of my immediate family have heard the story of how I became interested in Hagenbuch genealogy and subsequently collected thousands of names, dates, and artifacts. One certainly has to be interested in history...

Barn Fire 1

Hagenbuchs Face Danger on Pennsylvania’s Frontier

It’s difficult to imagine the hardships faced by Andreas Hagenbuch and his family family upon their arrival in Pennsylvania in 1737. Outside of cities like Philadelphia, there were few amenities or protections. Frontier areas...

Sarah Foust Bibby Teacher 0

Sarah Foust: School Teacher in the Early 1900s

On November 1, 1984 Ethel Lillian Bibby, aged 75 years old, died in a nursing home in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania.  Unmarried, few of her immediate family were still living. Mark Hagenbuch, Ethel’s 2nd cousin once...

Homer Hagenbuch Ice Cream 1956 2

Grape-Nut Ice Cream: a Hagenbuch Family Favorite

The Hagenbuch family in Pennsylvania has a reputation for making homemade ice cream. For several generations, it’s been a part of our family visits and gatherings. Out of all the possible flavors, one is...

Pig Butchering Cracklins 1

Butchering Day Memories from the Farm, Part 2

This article is a continuation of last week’s Butchering Day Memories from the Farm. In it, we got started with the pig butchering process: killing the hog, sticking it to bleed it out, scalding...

Hog Butchering 1919 0

Butchering Day Memories from the Farm, Part 1

Last Tuesday was Fastnacht Day here in our part of Pennsylvania. In our Montour County household we called it Doughnut Day. It wasn’t until I moved to York County thirty years ago that I...