This Week's Article From the Beech Grove

Irene (Faus) Hagenbuch Scarf 1937 2

First Gifts

As I have mentioned over and over, I remember starting into genealogy as a boy and looking at lists of Hagenbuch names, dates, and places from various sources. Back then, one could buy a...

Watercolor Geiger Family Farm 1810 Lewis Miller 1

Homestead Economics: Conclusion

This series of articles started with a question: What economic activities contributed to the success of the Hagenbuch Homestead in Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania? Before beginning to write, I already had some ideas....

Eichelberger Distillery Dills Tavern Pot Still 0

Homestead Economics: Distilling Liquor

Many early American farmers distilled their own liquor, not just for their own consumption but also for additional income. According to Mount Vernon, where George Washington ran a sizable distillery, the average Virginia distiller...

Gift For The Grangers Detail 1873 2

The Hagenbuchs and The Grange

I have mentioned in a few, previous articles that I was familiar with the Grange organization when I was growing up. A few weeks ago, Linda and I were visiting our daughter, Julie, her...