This Week's Article From the Beech Grove

Hiram and Henry Bruce HagenbuchObituary detail 0

The Deaths of a Father and Son

I have been inside the house on the hill twice. It overlooks the Susquehanna River. Both times, as I walked through the first floor rooms, up the two stairways, through the hallways, and into...

Kathryn's Book Detail 0

Kathryn’s Book

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m in possession of many historical items that belonged to the Hagenbuchs and other related families. Andrew and I continue to collect items. These include: a privy bottle, a fraktur,...

Kiss My Quick, Currier & Ives Detail 0

Kissin’ Cousins

Well I’ve got a gal, she’s as cute as she can be. She’s a distant cousin but she’s not too distant with me. We’ll kiss all night. I’ll squeeze her tight. But we’re kissin’...

Cousins Peter DeMartini and Cousins Peter DeMartini and Katie (Hagenbuch) Emig 2

Seventh Cousins

In late December 2017, Linda and I drove to Freeport, Maine to visit with our daughter, Katie (Hagenbuch) Emig, her husband Nelson, and our granddaughter Hadley. North of there—in Bath, Maine—live Jim and Sally...

Clarence and Hannah Hagenbuch Laughing 6

Ellen Hagenbuch: Photographer

My Aunt Ellen died last February, 2018. The article Last of Their Generation described her life as a lover of family, flowers, and photography. After her death, her niece and nephew (my first cousins),...