This Week's Article From the Beech Grove

Train Engineer Oil Can Detail 1900 2

Stuck on Charles W. Hagenbaugh, Part 1

Right now I am stuck on Charles W. Hagenbaugh—not in the romantic sense—but definitely in a genealogical way! I cannot find enough evidence to be certain of where to place him on our Hagenbuch...

Catawissa PA Detail 1

Sherlocking the Kistlers

When Andrew and I put together an article, we look for a story that will have some interest, a historical or cultural relationship to our family, and some photos. With more resources available due...

Jacob and Christina (Hagenbuch) Kistler Gravestone 18

Our Kistler Cousins

A few weeks ago I was thinking of the Kistler family, which married into our Hagenbuch family through the patriarch Andreas Hagenbuch’s (b. 1715) daughter Christina (b. 1759). Christina’s mother was Andreas’ second wife,...

Noodles Cutting Board 8

Does Food Define Heritage?

On New Year’s Day, Linda and I were supposed to have friends of ours over for the traditional Pennsylvania Dutch meal of sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, and pork. However, since it was just to be...

C. H. Hagenbuch Druggist Shenandoah PA 0

C. H. Hagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah, PA

During the 19th century, a number of Hagenbuchs entered the growing field of medicine and pharmacy. Several of these individuals and their families have been featured in previous articles. For instance, George Miller Hagenbuch...

Charles C. Hagenbuch and Gail 1951 Detail 7

My Uncle Charles: Now I Know You Better

To begin this last in the series on my Uncle Charles, I want to thank my first cousin, Leon Hagenbuch, for looking through the attic-found box and realizing it’s importance. I suppose to many...