This Week's Article From the Beech Grove

Homer S. Hagenbuch 1945 2

How It Begins

The other day my eldest son, William, pointed to a photograph hanging on the wall and asked, “Daddy, what is this picture of?” The photo he was referencing was taken during the summer of...

Hagenbuch Things Flags Pictures Detail 3

Every “Thing” Has a Story!

I have been thinking about this article for a few weeks. It is what I would call an opinion piece or maybe better—ramblings! Lately, due to some less-than-good news about my prostate cancer, I...

Tanner Currier 1790 Detail 6

Homestead Economics: Leather Tanning

Life at the Hagenbuch Homestead stank—quite literally! By the early 1800s, the homestead had a sizable tannery, large enough to be recorded on at least one map of the area as the “Hagenbuch Tanyard.”...

Mary E. (Kirkendall) Hagenbuch 1915 5

Mary E. (Kirkendall) Hagenbuch, Teacher

The following article, research, and information was completed by Norma Kay (Penman) Hurter about her grandmother, Mary E. (Kirkendall) Hagenbuch. Previously, Norma Kay has contributed other articles about her family including one about her...

Letter Lauretta M. Hagenbuch 1978 detail 0

The Letter Archives

I like writing letters and receiving letters. It’s a shame that we’ve lost the art of letter-writing and saving correspondence. –Elizabeth McGovern, actress in Downton Abbey. Andrew and I often refer to the Hagenbuch...

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Family Recipes: Scrapple Apple Mac and Cheese

Over the years, a number of recipes have been featured on Some are old, family standbys that came from the handwritten cookbooks of relatives. Others were researched and found by aficionados of Pennsylvania...