The House Along the Allemaengel Road, Part 1

Allemaengel Road Andreas Hagenbuch 1754 Detail
Detail from a 1754 survey of the Allemaengel Road

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7 Responses

  1. I really appreciate this research. It is awesome to find hints about our ancestors. Glad you reached out to Bruce Kistler and discovered this road survey. I learned about the first, temporary Hagenbuch residence that I had not previously known. I lived in Berks County for three years and used to go up to the homestead area hoping to get a glimpse of the family cemetery. I am a descendant of Andreas via the son Christian & wife Susanna Dreisbach. (I am a 1974 graduate of Warrior Run High School).

  2. Bruce Kistler says:

    Great article Andrew. I’m glad the map led you to a Hagenbuch discovery. Thanks for the citations.

    • Andrew Hagenbuch says:

      Thanks, Bruce! Hope your trip went well, and we are grateful that you preserved a copy of this map 🙂

  3. Bruce Kistler says:

    I had seen the petition for this portion of the Allemaengel Road previously but I did not realize until now that one of the examiners was Daniel Levan whose dwelling was the northern terminus of the road over the Oley Hills from Upper Hanover.


    A bit of wry humor in the road name! Maengel (plural) are defects, shortcomings, so the AlleMaengel name implies a textbook example of what a road should NOT be, all potholes, steep slopes with slippery footing, water hazards, sharp turns, rocks etc.

  5. David Laidacker says:

    This is Dave Laidacker from Danville PA. I have spent years researching the Laidacker (Leyendecker) family and other families in Albany Township and surrounding townships in Berks County, PA. I used the road books at the courthouse in Reading, PA. One very good source is stored at the Berks County Genealogical Society in Reading. They have over a thousand surveys from every township in which many are for Albany Township. Years ago, when the society received these surveys, we organized them by township to make them easier to research and many of these surveys are from the 1700’s. I am especially familiar with Albany Township since my Laidacker (Leyendeckers) lived in Albany Township next to the Jerusalem Church, Freidens Church and Stony Run. If anyone is interested, I also wrote a book about early Gunmakers from Albany Township and Greenwich Townships, titled ” Northern Berks County Pennsylvania Gunmakers”. If interested call 570-220-9523.

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