Category: Family

Hagenbuch Reunion Newspaper Clipping 1938 1

50th Hagenbuch Reunion: June 23, 1991

One of the many untapped resources for family research are the news clippings and other information about the Hagenbuch family reunions held in central Pennsylvania. Beginning in 1938, these reunions were attended primarily by...

Lillian Foust on Horse Detail 2

Family Transportation

For thousands of years, humanity’s modes of transportation never changed. Walking, riding animals, animals pulling carts or wagons, and water craft were the way that folks traveled. Then, steam locomotion came about, powering boats,...

Kathleen Shuler Jennifer Miller 0

Six Margarets

As mentioned in the June 7, 2016 article “What’s In A Name?”, several generations in my immediate family have carried on the name Margaret. Most genealogists are mainly concerned with a direct male line...

Hagenbuch Ladies Victorian Tableau Detail 0

On a Sunday Afternoon

A previous article detailed the family of Hiram b. 1842 and Mary “Orner” Hagenbuch (not to get confused with Hiram Hagenbuch, Sr. b. 1847). The family lived in and around the Montgomery, PA area....

Hiram (Harry) & Bessie "Lake" Hagenbuch 6

Hiram (Jr.) and Bessie “Lake” Hagenbuch Family

Several articles have been featured on this website about Hiram Hagenbuch (Sr.) and his wife Mary Ann “Lindner” Hagenbuch. Hiram, born 1847, was the son of William Hagenbuch, born 1807. Hiram, Sr. was the...

Samuel Sechler 1880 1

To: Dearest Mary; From: Sam

Not all the articles on this website are about Hagenbuchs. There are stories to be shared about allied families that are interesting and shed light on the lives that were led by our ancestors....

Euchre Party Photo Detail 0

Parlour Games

Who remembers a time when there was no television, no computers, and folks would get together on a Saturday evening to play games? Some people still do this and have an evening once in...