Category: Family

Israel Lindner Bible 1850 Detail 2

The Family Bible: Part 3

A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education. – Theodore Roosevelt There are six Bibles remaining in the collection of my family Bibles. However, at the end of this...

Homer Hagenbuch Bible Detail 0

The Family Bible: Part 2

In addition to the Andrew Snyder Bible detailed in part 1 of The Family Bible, I have in my possession eleven other Bibles of which brief descriptions were given previously. All of these are...

Andrew Snyder Family Bible Detail 1

The Family Bible: Part 1

Family Bibles are interesting pieces of memorabilia. They often have other pieces of memorabilia stuck between their pages, such as dried plants, braided hair, noted verses, and funeral cards. My mother’s Bible always lay...

Hidlay Church Cemetery Detail 0

Andreas Hagenbuch’s Soldier Sons: Part 3

Think of it: a family of soldiers. Four brothers who were serving their state of Pennsylvania and also serving their country which had only just adopted the name of the “United States of America.”...

Linda Gutshall Hagenbuch & Tinkerbell 0

Pets on the Family Tree

Most people become attached to their pets and treat them as part of the family. Several years ago when I had some graveyard experts to the family plot in Berks County, the one fellow...