Category: Family

Beech Tree Hagenbuch House Detail 2

Considering Trees

Several weeks ago, Linda and I took a three day trip to New York City with our daughter, Julie, and her boyfriend, Eddy. Along with two Broadway show experiences, tasty restaurants, seeing the sights...

William L. Hagenbaugh Painting Monk with Conquistador 5

The Paintings of William L. Hagenbaugh

The Hagenbuch family tree is full of interesting characters—one of whom is William Louis Hagenbaugh (b. 1878, d. 1943). Several articles have been written about how William’s family migrated to northern California in the...

Roy and Mary Pearl Gutshall, 1918 Detail 0

Cousins Around the Corner

We went to my wife Linda’s 50th High School reunion at Greencastle, Pennsylvania a few weeks ago. Greencastle has a different way of scheduling their school reunions. The reunions coincide with the town’s Old...

Solomon Dentler Hagenbuch 1864 Detail 0

Civil War Brothers and Cousins: Part 2

In part two, the final part in this series, we continue to follow the stories of Solomon, Samuel, and Henry W. Hagenbuch. Click here to view part one. Solomon and his cousin Henry W....