Category: Family

Barb, Bob, David, Mark Hagenbuch 2009 2

Distinguishing Features

“Ahh, she looks just like Uncle Joe!” “No, she doesn’t. But she has her mother’s nose.” “Well, I think she looks just her Daddy’s picture when he was born. Look at those eyes and...

Corn Cutter Knife 1

The Grisly Demise of Henry Hagenbuch

As a warning to our readers, this article describes the unsettling details of a suicide during the 19th century. Henry Hagenbuch was born on February 23, 1812 in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania to Joseph and...

Anna, Emma, Elmira Hagenbaugh 1

A Family in Photos

As we head into our eighth year of Hagenbuch family historical articles, I find that Andrew has taken the lead on more and more research and knowledge of the family. Our articles are planned...

Mark O. Hagenbuch Watercolor Painting 4

The Seven Year Itch

Not only is it good to know where we came from, but it is also good to know where we are going. I often think about those few days, seven years ago, when Andrew...

Hagenbuch Library Shelves Detail 0

What Did They Read?

Books, magazines, newspapers, fiction, nonfiction, autobiographies, biographies, historical fiction, pure history, romance, poetry—the list could go on and on of what people read. What we read is a reflection of our pleasures, our beliefs,...

John Howard Hagenbuch Detail 2

The Last of the First Cousins

The recent death of John Howard Hagenbuch got me thinking about first cousins. John was born on March 11, 1936, and he died three weeks ago on August 18th. John’s Hagenbuch ancestry is: Andreas ...