Category: Family

Ethel and Ray Reichard 1929 0

New Year’s Day: The Importance of Days

Is there an importance to having New Year’s Day as a significant day in our legacy? It would take hours to sift through Beechroots to find our ancestors that were born exactly on January...

Heart Andrew Detail 0

The Heart of the Family

Every family has a heart, and while it isn’t a literal organ—like the one the beats inside us—this heart is an essential, living part of all families. I have been thinking about our family...

Sara (Mowery) Hagenbuch Guitar Christmas 1993 0

Imperfectly Perfect Gifts

One of the many joys of Christmas is the delight that comes from giving and receiving gifts. What child hasn’t wished for some item, written a letter to Santa, or dropped hints to their...

Benjamin Franklin deathbed in 1790 4

Giving Care to Our Ill Relatives

As you know, I am now on hospice care due to the advancement of prostate cancer. I was still hoping to buy more time; but two weeks ago, after my wife Linda, my oncologist,...

The Beech Grove 1991 Detail 0

The Stories Go On and On and On

The scenarios could have been very different over the past 50 plus years. I may have had no interest in our Hagenbuch family’s history. Uncle Perce may have never latched on to me as...

Lawrence J. Hagenbuch Detail 1921 0

There’s More to the Story

Our Hagenbuch genealogy remains a work in progress. Look back at this site’s earliest articles and you will likely find an inconsistent detail or unfinished story. When my father, Mark, and I first began...