Can You Document That?

Detail Painting Howard Sechler
Detail of a painting by Howard Sechler

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4 Responses

  1. Dave+Hagenbuch says:

    Thank you Mark .. as always!!!!

  2. Barry Hagenbuch says:

    Interesting read, Christmas blessings!

  3. Barbara says:

    This article is one of the most interesting about our heritage . I always found it fascinating that Grandma H was a school teacher at such a young age .
    Loved that we had a real Artist in the family . To me , he had an air of mystery about him !
    So much to learn about these relatives of ours . Thank you Mark !

  4. John Marr says:

    Hello Mark
    Just read your story. It was great reading of just a part of your collection! On another note, I had a great visit with you today. I am so happy that I was invited to come along. Thank you once again for your insight and today, I too learned more history about your family and how our family is connected. Thank you for spending a few hours with me. John

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