Author: Mark Hagenbuch


One Silver Dollar

This story was told to Mark Hagenbuch around 1963 by his great Uncle Perce (b. 1880) and corroborated in 1972 by his father’s first cousin, Bruice Hagenbuch (b. 1913). Francis Eugene Hagenbuch—Uncle Gene—was the...


Pronouncing Hagenbuch

As I have done many times when I have an appointment, I walked up to the receptionist’s desk and wrote my name on the pad: “Mark HAGENBUCH”. (I print my last name and usually...

Stanley Hagenbuch by William Hagenbuch's gravestone 2

William Hagenbuch Stands Tall

Uprighting Headstones: A Family Responsibility Reader Alert: As in many posts dealing with genealogy, family lines will be listed. This may be confusing to some people, but it’s important to the understanding of family...