Author: Hagenbuch

Lillian Foust on Horse Detail 2

Family Transportation

For thousands of years, humanity’s modes of transportation never changed. Walking, riding animals, animals pulling carts or wagons, and water craft were the way that folks traveled. Then, steam locomotion came about, powering boats,...

Hagenbuch Ladies Victorian Tableau Detail 0

On a Sunday Afternoon

A previous article detailed the family of Hiram b. 1842 and Mary “Orner” Hagenbuch (not to get confused with Hiram Hagenbuch, Sr. b. 1847). The family lived in and around the Montgomery, PA area....

Hagenbuch House Site B Detail 0

Searching for Andreas Hagenbuch’s House: Part 2

In part one of this series, three theories for the possible location of Andreas Hagenbuch’s house were proposed. In the second and final installment, the third and most likely theory will be explored in...

Hagenbuch Homestead Outbuilding Detail 0

Searching for Andreas Hagenbuch’s House: Part 1

Does Andreas Hagenbuch’s house still exist? In short, probably not. Unfortunately, it is rare today to find frontier log homes from the 1700s standing. Unlike stone, which is a much more durable building material,...

Euchre Party Photo Detail 0

Parlour Games

Who remembers a time when there was no television, no computers, and folks would get together on a Saturday evening to play games? Some people still do this and have an evening once in...

Cow Calves Landis Valley 0

Thoughts on Michael Hagenbuch’s Inventory

It’s doubtful Michael Hagenbuch (b. 1746, d. 1809) could ever have imagined how much his descendants 200 years in the future would appreciate him neglecting to make a will. Nevertheless, it is as a...

Tilman Madge Paul 1916 Detail 2

Brother and Sister Day

Preceding Mother’s Day is a little known celebration entitled Brother and Sister Day which is held on May 2nd. The following are photos from the past of Hagenbuch brothers and sisters. These photos were...